Monday, July 17, 2023

nude Markus ragdoll for Gmod - Detroit: Become Human - final

The nude Markus/RK200 ragdoll from Detroit: Become Human is finally ready for action. :D

All textures (abdomen front, back and sides, upper thighs front, back and sides, cock + balls, chest, upper back, shoulders/upper arm seams) are fully done and adjusted to reduce seam visibility. 

Gmod maps that can be used for posing are not really consistent when it comes to the quality of ambient light and general illumination. Some maps have excessive bloom, others have only a very flat, pale light included, and there are those that feature full HDR as well, or a mix of bloom + HDR... and this makes visual corrections and photoshopping not always easy. Seams will always be more or less visible, depending on the light sources used/baked into the map. 

However, I tried my best to make this ragdoll the best texture work that I've ever done. I only concentrated on the seams where textures are touching and even that was an extensive and very time consuming task. However, I cannot guarantee that imperfections won't ever be visible; the multitude of available maps and the massively varying quality of used light sources makes this simply impossible. 

But here he is, ready to fool around and have a good time in Gmod: 

Just have a look at picture 1 and 3, how the ambient light makes the point where the cock is attached to his body overly visible in pic 1 and how it is almost invisible in pic 3. Custom ragdolls seem to be exceptionally susceptible to changes in ambient light. I am extremely anal when it comes to things like that, simply to reduce the amount of photoshopping afterwards. Although it won't always be easy to pick a certain angle (ragdoll towards light source and vice versa) for making pictures. The pose might look a lot better from a different angle or I'm so engrossed posing for a comic that I won't even notice any awkward angles (illumination-wise) until everything's done and with me actually starting the post-processing work. 

And here are a couple testposes with the new ragdoll. The pictures are untouched, they're only cropped to size. 


It's such a shame that he never really smiles in the game. And so I did a very slight rework (Photoshop's liquify option) of an ingame shot to fix this. ^^

*swoons* He's so gorgeous. I have enough life experience to know that men who are exceptionally attractive are always very ugly on the inside. They always have a rotten character and many of them are arrogant. 

Markus, however, is an android. His character was programmed. He's very gentle, kind and friendly in my headcanon. That also means that he has a gentle soul and that he's not only soft-spoken but also soft-hearted. But there really is no better partner and companion  than a man who's not afraid to cry; someone who's easily moved to tears. Because such a gentle soul will never hurt their partner intentionally and the love and affection they feel for their mate is always honest and runs very deep. 

An android like him, he's the ultimate soulmate material. Kind, loving and sensual while giving just as much love and affection back, unconditional and without second thoughts, without trying to manipulate. THAT is the most beautiful thing for a woman to experience. 

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