Wednesday, May 25, 2022

The Painter, Detroit: Become Human, erotic comic, update VII

 A'righty. The comic progresses very well. ^^

done so far: 

84 pages made (of maybe 130 - 150)

346 pictures made

306 pictures used

scene 3/5 is finished (epilogue will be extra)


currently in progress:

scenebuild 4/5 is finished (scenebuild for epilogue is extra)

50 % of the poses are done

first batch of picture photoshopping starts tonight

2 pages still need dialogues (nothing major or important for the story itself)


And here are a few teaser pics from what I've done so far:

It's next to impossible to make him smile properly. (Y'all remember how the Terminator (Judgement Day, Genesis) smiles, right?)

Kissing however, is a special treat with this ragdoll. He's actually the first model being able to give proper smoochies, just like the pic. Her mouth needs some photoshopping to look good though. 

Next blog update will be made as soon as I'm posing for the last (and largest) chapter... ^^

Sunday, May 15, 2022

The Painter - Detroit: Become Human - erotic comic - update VI

 I start with the next comic pages today. I have about 200 pics ready. ^^

And it's finally time for a little sneak peek...

Sarah and Markus are doing phone sex.

As an android, Markus doesn't need a phone, or a computer. He has internet access and telephone right build into his skull. His serial is also his personal phone number. 

A'righty, I'll leave you guys with these two yummy pics for now. 
The next update will be made when I finished creating the third chapter...

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

The Painter - Detroit: Become Human - erotic comic - update V

I'm still posing for chapter 3 and I'm currently elbow-deep in sexposes. 

I'm headhacking again, so every single pose takes about 30 - 60 minutes. It'll take a few more days until I'm done posing but the photoshopping will be done much quicker, maybe in two days. 

Anyway. Today's post is mostly just a picture dump from what I'm working on. 

No spoilers. Just a few generic poses. 

His eyes are looking great now. I found out that, depending on the viewing angle, his pupils seem to be even larger than they really are. This picture is the best example for that. 

Here's Sarah standing next to her car. It's drivable but I only use it as a regular prop. 


They're so cute together! I think, I've finally found my OTP for Detroit: Become Human. Markus really needs a human girlfriend. That's really the most fitting for his past. Even though Carl and his relation to Markus won't be mentioned, he still calls himself "Markus Manfred" on his business card. 

It's getting steamy!!! 

Okay, I made 110 pics over the last couple days, they're already photoshopped and only need some handmade DoF to be ready to be used for the comic. Right about now, however, I'm gonna continue posing... 

Next update will happen in a few. ^^